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I used to think that I was a neat freak until I had 5 children! Then it was neat freak no more! For years I have looked at my cluttered home...

Daily Project 5-24-20 - Cleaned Washer & Dryer Area

Last week my family and I were in Florida and I had the opportunity to watch HGTV during our down time. The home improvement shows motivated me to get moving on a "house beautifying" project which includes daily cleaning and decluttering. The plan is to choose a small area to clean and declutter everyday and move through the house until I'm done and then start all over again. The first area I chose was our laundry area. I forgot a before picture, but before I cleaned and organized the area, the washer and dryer were really dirty with dust, clutter on top of the dryer, cobwebs and dust on the walls and behind the machines, and mold around the windows.

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