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I used to think that I was a neat freak until I had 5 children! Then it was neat freak no more! For years I have looked at my cluttered home...

Everyday Chore - Cleaned Kitchen Before Bed

I struggle with cleaning the kitchen after dinner. I've always made it my goal to go to bed with a cleaned kitchen so that it's ready for me to start my day the next day. However, many times I am so tired that I do skip the chore and leave it for the morning. I'm hoping that I'll be motivated to clean the kitchen if I record this done chore daily.

5-24-20 - Done          6-2-20 - Done
5-25-20 - Done          6-3-20 - Done
5-26-20 - Done          6-4-20 - Done
5-27-20 - Done          (Before breakfast)
5-30-20 - Done
5-31-20 - Done
6-1-20 - Done

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