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I used to think that I was a neat freak until I had 5 children! Then it was neat freak no more! For years I have looked at my cluttered home...

Daily Project 5-27-20 - Unpacked Miscellaneous Bags from Trip & Cleaned Refrigerator

During this quarantine, Wednesdays have become our family's day to shoot a weekly show called "The Quarantine." Today we shot our 6th Episode and my eldest will be editing it tomorrow. That means we skipped a lot of our school work and we'll need to pack in a lot of learning within the next few days.

We had some miscellaneous items from our trip still lying around in bags. I put those away today.

In addition, a spill is always a good excuse to clean an area. Today, it was to clean up a soy sauce spill in the refrigerator. I didn't deep clean the fridge, but I cleaned the door shelves and any exposed areas on the inside.

Daily Project 5-26-20 - Make Room on Phone & Put Away Toiletries From Trip

As a full time homeschooling mom, not just Pandemic Crisis homeschooling, but true, full time homeschooling mom, I have to pick and choose which projects to do each day. Homeschooling is definitely a full time job that can take up most of the day and home management sometimes goes by the wayside. I am realizing that doing a little here and a little there at least helps me move forward towards a beautiful home even if it's a baby step at a time (or crawl).

My phone ran out of memory from all the pictures I took on the trip. I needed to spend some time cleaning up my phone.

I also needed to put away the toiletries that we brought on the trip. Even unpacking can be such a process in our busy home, so I have to set aside time for it.

The handle on our toiletries bag broke and I tried to repair it. Unfortunately the repair didn't work and I was forced to throw it out. This bag has been our toiletries bag for over 10 years. It has given us many years of service. Time to get a new one.

Everyday Chore - Bed Made and All Trash Out Before Noon

Making the bed and taking out the trash before noon is another habit that I try to practice daily. However, sometimes I don't and then the bad habit creeps in and it becomes easier and easier to skip the chore. Keeping track of the completed task will help keep me accountable.

5-26-20 - Done       6-2-20 - Done
5-27-20 - Done       6-3-20 - Done
5-28-20 - Done       6-4-20 - Done
5-29-20 - Done       6-5-20 - Done
5-30-20 - Done       6-6-20 - Done
5-31-20 - Done       6-7-20 - Done
6-1-20 - Done

Everyday Chore - Cleaned Kitchen Before Bed

I struggle with cleaning the kitchen after dinner. I've always made it my goal to go to bed with a cleaned kitchen so that it's ready for me to start my day the next day. However, many times I am so tired that I do skip the chore and leave it for the morning. I'm hoping that I'll be motivated to clean the kitchen if I record this done chore daily.

5-24-20 - Done          6-2-20 - Done
5-25-20 - Done          6-3-20 - Done
5-26-20 - Done          6-4-20 - Done
5-27-20 - Done          (Before breakfast)
5-30-20 - Done
5-31-20 - Done
6-1-20 - Done

Daily Project 5-25-20 - Garden 2020

Today my project was outside. I planted a garden on Mother's Day and had hoped that while we were away the seeds would sprout. All of the mammoth Sunflowers I planted sprouted and some Balsam flowers sprouted, but none of the Zucchini and only a few Green Beans sprouted. Today's project was to hoe the whole garden to keep the weeds at bay and to prepare it for a second round of planting. This time, I used a starter kit to start the seedlings inside.

Daily Project 5-24-20 - Cleaned Washer & Dryer Area

Last week my family and I were in Florida and I had the opportunity to watch HGTV during our down time. The home improvement shows motivated me to get moving on a "house beautifying" project which includes daily cleaning and decluttering. The plan is to choose a small area to clean and declutter everyday and move through the house until I'm done and then start all over again. The first area I chose was our laundry area. I forgot a before picture, but before I cleaned and organized the area, the washer and dryer were really dirty with dust, clutter on top of the dryer, cobwebs and dust on the walls and behind the machines, and mold around the windows.