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I used to think that I was a neat freak until I had 5 children! Then it was neat freak no more! For years I have looked at my cluttered home...

Daily Project 5-26-20 - Make Room on Phone & Put Away Toiletries From Trip

As a full time homeschooling mom, not just Pandemic Crisis homeschooling, but true, full time homeschooling mom, I have to pick and choose which projects to do each day. Homeschooling is definitely a full time job that can take up most of the day and home management sometimes goes by the wayside. I am realizing that doing a little here and a little there at least helps me move forward towards a beautiful home even if it's a baby step at a time (or crawl).

My phone ran out of memory from all the pictures I took on the trip. I needed to spend some time cleaning up my phone.

I also needed to put away the toiletries that we brought on the trip. Even unpacking can be such a process in our busy home, so I have to set aside time for it.

The handle on our toiletries bag broke and I tried to repair it. Unfortunately the repair didn't work and I was forced to throw it out. This bag has been our toiletries bag for over 10 years. It has given us many years of service. Time to get a new one.

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