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I used to think that I was a neat freak until I had 5 children! Then it was neat freak no more! For years I have looked at my cluttered home...

Why No Daily Projects for 5-28 & 29?

During the quarantine, my girls and I have filmed a series called "The Quarantine". Since we filmed a show on Wednesday, that left me with Thursday to double up on school work and homeschool life was my main focus. On Friday morning, I spent some time making the final edits to our show, which left me with only a few hours to finish up the week's school work with the girls and no time for any home organizational projects.

My time with "The Quarantine" is done. Last week's show was the last show I would be involved with because it was taking up too much time to film and edit. We made the first show as a challenge from the girls' youth group leader. When we sent the link to my family, they raved about it so much and asked for more. We didn't intend to make any more, but since there were requests, especially from my grandma, we delivered more shows. I don't think anyone watched the other shows so I decided that, for me, I could move on to use my time in other ways. My older girls still want to produce more shows. Will they actually do more? I'll wait and see.

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